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FI9 Frauenfussball Channel

FI9 Frauenfussball Channel

We live for women's football and want to promote the sport in the name of our friend Florijana "Flori" Ismaili, who unfortunately passed away much too early. Florijana Ismaili invested her time and lifeblood into women's football all her life. She was extremely motivated and worked with infectious passion. Her aim was to bring women's football forward step by step and increase the popularity of the sport. Together with I Believe In You, the association Florijana Ismaili - FI9 has launched this women's football channel to strengthen women's football financially as well. As starting credit, the association supports each project with CHF 200.

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Um Sport, Arbeit und Schule optimal verbinden zu können, bin ich auf Ihre Hilfe angewiesen.

00:00:007800 of 6000 CHF