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Liubov is raising money for her next season to train with Stéphane Lambiel and his team.

*** UPDATE (17.07.2023 – 12:00) ***

Hi everyone!

I am soo incredibly grateful for the support I’ve been receiving from all of you! Thank you so so much for every donation! 🙏🏼🫶🏼❤️ The link is still available and every contribution will bring me closer to my goal.

Дякую! (Ukrainisch Danke!)


Liubov is 11 years old and comes from Kiev, Ukraine. Her big passion for figure skating began when she was a child through watching the movie Blizzard. She begged her mum to bring her to the ice rink for a try out. Immediately it was clear that Liubov was eager to pursue skating on a regular basis.

First, she started with an amateur course. Within the first year of getting familiar with the ice she began practising with a coach, quickly she showed improvement and felt like she found her second home.

The ice conditions and generally the situation for skaters to advance in their practice were terrible, as there are only a few ice rinks and very little scheduled number of hours provided for skaters training professionally to practice.

Even though the difficult circumstances Liubov wanted to invest more time into this sport. Her family did everything they could to arrange her schedule in order to allow her to pursue her dream of becoming a professional figure skater.

Liubov managed to start to compete and made her way all the way up to being the first placed in her age category in Ukraine in 2020.

Days before the invasion of Ukraine she was competing in Kyiv. When it happened, she was forced to leave her home country and didn’t know if she would be able to ever skate again. It was a devastating situation. A friend of a family reached out to the Skating School of Switzerland and asked for help.

Stéphane Lambiel and his Team offered Liubov a place to stay and most importantly get Liubov and her family safe. They packed all their stuff and drove to Switzerland. Before even arriving in Champéry, Liubov wanted to go directly to the ice rink. For her, Skating and being at the rink was the first priority.

Liubov was able to train with the Skating School at no cost for a year to continue her practice with the ambition that she feels for figure skating. Despite the horrific situation with the war in her hometown, Liubov has found not only a place where she goes to school and learns French and English, but also a very hopeful opportunity to pursue her career and journey as an athlete.

Currently she’s working hard on the ice, showing some impressive progress, after placing 4th at her first international competition in Dortmund 2022, she’s now ready to embrace the summer practice where she’s developing her technical skills and creating her new programs (short and free program) for the coming season 2023/2024.

The Skating School will continue to support her career and next season by subsidizing over half of her training expenses.

The goal of this Crowdfunding is to being able to raise money for Liubov's next season; This would help her to cover costs like Training equipment, summer camps, costumes, travel costs for international competition etc.

It would be wonderful for Liubov to receive this support so she can continue her life in Champéry, fully dive into her training and keep working and growing with the team of the Skating School of Switzerland.

Budget Season 2023 / 2024

Discounted Training Package CHF 1'400 x 12 = CHF 16'800 a year

Expenses Camp & Competition: CHF 7'000.00

-        Hotel Accommodation

-        Competition Entry Fee

-        Flights / Travel 3 int. / 4 nat.

-        Uniform Clothing

Equipment: CHF 4'000.00

-        Skates

-        Sharpening

-        Dresses Short P. / Free P.

-        Training Clothing

-        Spinner (office equipment)

Training Expenses CHF 16'800


Camp & Competitions CHF 7’000.00


Equipment CHF 4’000.00

= Total amount needed CHF 27’800

Crowdfunding for: CHF 7'000

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